Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
September 13, 2018
Hello Guys, I hope we are always given health and opportunities so that I can always write stories on my beloved blog and you always faithfully read my stories every day. Don't forget to be grateful today; )
My activity on this thursday where today our agenda is to a morning tea at the East Tribune Office. The activity begins with preparing all the dishes that we have prepared on the previous day and also continued at dawn on thursday. Quite proud it feels when i can see these employees enjoying our dishes very satisfied with the taste and appearance of the dishes we made. As for the matters discussed, namely in the form of the agendas to be carried out during the 27th anniversary of the anniversary of tourism polytechnic of makassar.
After everything is finished, we clear up and back to the kitchen to continue the next activity.
you can also see our activity video at the east stand at the link below.

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