Kamis, 08 Maret 2018


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Kamis, 8 Maret 2018
            Today is the last practice in this week before mid. Menu today is celebes food, and my group is responsible for making Konro Bakar and Steam rice.  and alhamdulillah our products are successful today. restaurannt open at 10.30, so our food must be ready at 09.30. today i'm table manner with my senior and friend. before we general cleaning in the kitchen, we prepare our product for tomorrow. general cleaning at 16.00. we returned oneline before returning home, and today was the first time eating garlic after the back training. 

1. Steam Rice
2. Konro Bakar

3. Table Manner

 i went home at 19.00 with my friend the name is Agung.

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