Selasa, 06 Maret 2018


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Selasa, 6 Maret 2018
           Welcome to my story activity, i hope you don't boring to read my blog , today  my friend and i doing to main course. Because, yesterday we have prepared before about what we will present today. today is a bad day for us, cause the food must be out today at the restorant at 10:00. while the food we
made ready at 11.00. the problem is turkey that we made very long in roast.

Menu Main Course Today
 Spaghetti Bolognese
 Vegetable Tagliatelle
 Roast Turkey with Giblet Gravy
Preapared Today

            We got the punishment of eating one onion. besides that we also have to general cleaning before prepare for tomorrow day. after gc we continue to prepare tomorrow. I went  home at 20.30.

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