Selasa, 11 September 2018

Tools 4.2

Equipment And Utensil

1.     Meat grinder (equipment)
Function : used to grind meat
Material : made of iron
Cleaning : clean it with wet napkin

Hasil gambar untuk meat grinder

2.   Working table (equipment)
Function : used to prepare food
Material : stainless steel
Cleaning : clean it with dishwashing liquid, rinse with clean water, and napkin
Hasil gambar untuk working table

3.   Dough mixer (equipment)
Function : to make dough for pastry or bread
Material : stainless steel
Cleaning : we can use wet napkin to clean it
Hasil gambar untuk dough mixer

4. Spoon
Function : used to eat or try food
Material : stainless steel
Cleaning : wash with dishwashing liquid and rinse with clean water

5.      Stock pot
Function : to make food stocks and others
Material : stainless steel
Cleaning : clean it with dishwashing liquid and rinse with clean water

6. Wooden spatula
Function : used to stirring food
Material : made of wooden
Cleaning : wash with dishwashing liquid and rinse with clean water

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